Exeter Greens launch election campaign with ‘Vote For What You Believe In’ call

Exeter election newspaper - click to downloadThe Green Party in Exeter has launched its General Election campaign urging people to vote for policies not personalities and warning against intimidation by other Parties to vote tactically.

Greens also claim to be the only mainstream Party not backed by vested interests. The Green Party in Exeter is funded entirely from membership fees and donations from the public and small business.  A recent crowdfunder campaign raised £1,400 from local people, £100 above target. Among other things the funds have enabled newspapers to be printed which will be delivered across the city in the next few weeks. The money will also pay the required £500 deposit for their parliamentary candidate, Diana Moore, to stand in the General Election. She said:

“I am grateful and humbled by people’s generosity. This great show of support from local people demonstrates that people want change. So many are suffering because of the politics of austerity which is dismantling public services and hurting our most vulnerable. People are worried about rising inequality and want to see climate change and the environment taken seriously by decision makers.”

Diana Moore, who has lived in Exeter for the past 13 years and is a business advisor who has helped social enterprises and local councils across the South West, believes a strong Green vote will send clear signals to Westminster on electoral reform, a rejection of austerity and taking urgent action on climate change. She said:

“People must be free to vote for what they believe in. If everyone voted for policies rather than tactically or for personalities, we know that Exeter could send a Green MP to Parliament on May 7th.” [1]

[1] Take the Vote For Policies challenge: https://voteforpolicies.org.uk/

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