Exeter Greens offer progressive alliance deal to Labour

Exeter Green Party have written to Exeter Labour Party offering to stand back in the general election if there is co-operation on forming a progressive alliance to beat the Conservatives. Green Party members in Exeter voted overwhelmingly to support a deal which would see the local Party stand down in the general election in return for Labour standing back in one of their target constituencies, the Isle of Wight.  

The letter [1], hand delivered to Labour’s Headquarters, applauds efforts in recent weeks to forge electoral alliances in a number of constituencies and ‘makes a serious offer to save Exeter from a Tory victory locally’ but makes clear the offer is wholly dependent on confirmation that Labour will stand down in the Isle of Wight.

Diana Moore, Exeter Green Party’s Candidate in the 2015 General Election, quadrupled the Green vote to 3491 votes, a 6.5% share and saved the deposit for the first time ever in Exeter. She said:

“Theresa May’s snap election is a cynical and underhand move. Another Tory government will have a devastating effect on this country, especially with the extreme Brexit she plans and the continued austerity program which is cutting into people lives, dismantling our public services and wrecking our environment.

“This election shows that our electoral system is not fit for purpose. We need a system of proportional representation to ensure that every vote counts rather than counting on tactical voting. However, while we have such an unfair system, Exeter Green Party, backed by its membership, has taken a bold move to try and stop the Tories. We will stand back in Exeter if the Labour Party stand back on the Isle of Wight. Greens came second on the island in the County Council elections and there is real momentum building behind our excellent candidate, Vix Lowthian. Labour cannot win on the Isle of Wight; we urge them to back a progressive candidate who can. But we are clear: reciprocation is needed; alliances cannot be a one-way street.

Exeter Green Party will submit the nominations papers for its candidate elected by members and begin a Parliamentary campaign by 4pm on 11th May unless definite confirmation that Labour on the Isle of Wight have stood down.



[1] Letter attached

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/apr/30/labour-should-step-down-for-the-greens-in-some-key-seats

Contact: Diana Moore  07903 932 214 Press Officer: Andrew Bell 07410441182

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