Exeter Green Party – internal affairs!

Following our July AGM, we have some changes to how we manage the Party’s business.

Executive Committee

The AGM agreed changes to our constitution. Now, the responsibilty of managing the Party and ensuring compliance with the surprising number of legal requirements on us, is shouldered by an Executive Committee, and not, as before, a ‘monthly meeting’. This is what has happened in practice for the last two years, as there is no other practicable way to manage the volume of complex, last minute issues which come across our bows.

The Executive Committee was elected, and you can find their names here, on the Green Party Member page (if you are a Green Party member that is).

The agenda for Executive Committee meetings will be available a week before the meeting here, and any member can attend. The next meeting is on August 7th, 7.00pm.  Venue details and agenda will be available a week before, as noted above.

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