Green spaces not safe under Labour, say Exeter Green Party

The Green Party in Exeter has warned that the city’s green spaces are not safe under the Labour-led council. At a Full Council meeting in April, Green Councillor for St David’s ward, Diana Moore, asked the Council leader to confirm if green spaces between the Exeter Ship Canal and the River Exe or Bonhay Meadows near Exe Bridges are under consideration for development [1]. In response, Labour leader Phil Bialyk acknowledged that such sites could be developed [2] as part of the Liveable Exeter strategy, which aims to build 12,000 new homes in the city by 2040.

Cllr Moore said:

“Having half an hour earlier given their backing for a motion to declare an Ecological Emergency, the Labour leader failed to provide assurance that valuable green spaces in the city – vital for wildlife and biodiversity – would be safe from future development.

“The Liveable Exeter plans for 12,000 new homes must focus on brownfield sites, while protecting and enhancing nature. It is clear these Labour led plans mean no green space in Exeter is guaranteed protection. Our green spaces aren’t safe under Labour.”  


[1] Question in full

As the benefits to health and well-being of green space are well documented, including in council strategies, please can you confirm if any green space between the Exeter Ship Canal and the River Exe or Bonhay Meadows, near Exe Bridges, is under any consideration for development (including infrastructure) as part of the Liveable Exeter programme?

[2] See Exeter City Council Facebook page – video recording of Full Council meeting 27th April 2021: from 2:04:52

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