Response to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods by Councillor Carol Bennett

This is an open letter responding to concerns around the introduction of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in Heavitree from Green councillor Carol Bennett

A Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) for Heavitree, which aims to cut traffic and air pollution on residential streets and make them safer for walking and cycling, has been discussed for four years now. A change of this sort can prove concerning, so people deserve to have clear information explaining why the changes are proposed, what they will be and when they will happen.

The quality and quantity of information provided about the Heavitree LTN by Devon County Council has fallen well short of what is needed. The County Council has been working up the details of a trial LTN for the past three years, but cannot provide any timetable as to when a decision on the final proposals will be made.

As city councillor for the ward, I have written to the leaders of Devon County Council and Exeter City Council calling on them to start working together to produce a high quality programme of community engagement. I have received a positive response from the County Council, but no reply as yet from the City Council.

Both the Conservative-controlled County Council and Labour-controlled City Council are in favour of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, as are the Green Party. However, both councils need to share responsibility for getting this important job done.

For LTNs to be successful we need our councils to commit to proper community engagement – a process that helps residents to input to the process, know what is happening and continues through to the delivery of calmer less polluted streets.

Councillor Carol Bennett, Heavitree

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