Progressive Group challenge Labour to get Exeter to top of ‘recycling league’

The Progressive Group on Exeter City Council have welcomed the announcement to propose £8m investment in the Material Reclamation Facility (MRF) – which will update machinery and include increased capacity to receive city-wide food waste [1] – and have challenged the Labour-led Council to achieve at least a 65% recycling rate within three years.

Co-leader of the Progressive Group, Green Party councillor Diana Moore, said:

“It’s great to see Labour recycling our proposal for investment in the MRF, something the Progressive group proposed as a budget amendment at last month’s Full Council meeting. Labour binned the proposal at the time, but weeks later have realised it’s obviously a good idea. This investment is well overdue. Exeter’s recycling rate is now at its lowest for years at 25%, just half the County average and the lowest in Devon. [1]”

Co-leader Michael Mitchell, Liberal Democrat councillor, challenged Labour to dramatically increase the city’s recycling rate:

“Once the new facility is up and running, and city wide-food waste collections are in place, we challenge the Labour-led Council to achieve a 65% recycling rate within three years. If Exeter achieved this, it would take the city from the bottom of the league to premier league status for recycling. Here’s hoping that Labour will take on another of our ideas by collecting glass bottles and jars from our doorsteps which similar cities like Bath have been doing for years.”

1. See Waste Performance Statistics 2022-23 Exeter’s recycling rate for 2022-23 was 24.5%, a reduction of 1% on the year earlier. This compares to a recycling rate of 60% in neighbouring East Devon and a Devon average recycling rate of 54%.

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