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13th January 2018 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has slammed the Labour Council over a new draft Air Quality Action Plan, which sets out ideas for reducing illegal levels of nitrogen dioxide, caused almost entirely by the city’s traffic. Levels of the air pollutant – known to shorted lives and cause serious health problems, have remained illegal for ten years, […]
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24th November 2017 by exetergreenparty
The Green Party has announced that well-known peace campaigner and union activist, Tom Milburn, will be their candidate in the forthcoming city council by election in Newtown and St Leonards. Tom has lived in the city centre for 20 years, having first come to Exeter as a student. Tom says that the proliferation of luxury […]
21st October 2017 by exetergreenparty
Consultation on the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan [1] will be wholly inadequate if the participating councils stick to their present plans. In a letter [2] to Councillor Daniel Gottschalk, chair of Exeter’s planning committee, Green Party Councillor Chris Musgrave argues that the whole process has been designed as a top-down one for minimum participation by […]
12th October 2017 by exetergreenparty
Green Party Councillor, Chris Musgrave, has welcomed a decision by the City Council to keep the bus station open, after developers pulled the plug on £100m redevelopment plans of the area. Cllr Musgrave who spoke at an extraordinary full council meeting, at which the project was discussed, said: “Labour’s dream of a privatised leisure centre […]
10th October 2017 by exetergreenparty
18th September 2017 by exetergreenparty
Greens have called on Exeter City Council to live up to their promise of working cross-party to address the city’s notorious air pollution. The pledge was made at a council committee meeting last week, when councillors discussed a report on air quality in Exeter. The City Council is developing a new draft Air Quality Action […]
15th September 2017 by exetergreenparty
As councillors on an Exeter City Council committee meet this Thursday to discuss Exeter’s air quality, the Green Party have slammed the Council for years of inaction, demanding bold measures to tackle air pollution, mainly caused by traffic, and make it easier to move around the city. Greens say current plans fall far short of […]
Greens demand City Council stop using toxic weed-killer in Exeter The Green Party will today send an open letter to the leader of Exeter City Council, Pete Edwards, urging him to press the City Council to end the use of a toxic pesticide in Exeter. The letter, signed by 50 people, expresses deep concern at […]
14th August 2017 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has slammed a Stagecoach consultation on tackling traffic congestion as a sham. Local Greens say the results of the consultation, carried out over the summer, have instead been used as justification to cut services; an announcement about a review to Exeter bus routes was made from Stagecoach South West last week [1]. […]
22nd July 2017 by exetergreenparty
Green Party councillor, Chris Musgrave, tonight voted against a £7m uplift to the leisure centre budget. The steep rise was supported by all Labour councillors at an extraordinary full City Council meeting this evening, Wednesday 19th July, but opposed by Conservative councillors, Lib Dem councillor Kevin Mitchell, as well as Mr Musgrave. Cllr Musgrave refused to […]