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27th April 2014 by exetergreenparty
Creative new ways to develop the city and provide affordable housing whilst protecting green spaces and preventing urban sprawl are key themes in the Exeter Green Party manifesto, which has been launched ahead of the City Council Elections on 22nd May. Greens say that if they win seats in the City Council they will challenge […]
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2nd April 2014 by exetergreenparty
Green Party members from Exeter and other parts of Devon and the South West joined hundreds to protest against the government’s badger cull policy. The protesters assembled in Belmont Park before marching through the city centre in protest at plans to extend the cull into Devon, Cornwall and Dorset. Greens have consistently opposed the badger […]
3rd March 2014 by exetergreenparty
The Green Party has unveiled radical plans for the future of Exeter. Responding to a City Council consultation on the future development of the city they call for a series of measures to ensure healthy lifestyles, reduce pollution and provide low cost housing. The proposals by the Greens include: Creating a ‘Walking City’, promoting healthy […]