Why Green?

Following council elections in 2023, Exeter Green Party has six councillors on the City Council. We are looking to increase our number of councillors again in the 2024 local elections.

We believe a fairer, greener Exeter is worth fighting for. We are holding the Labour-led council to account, challenging them on their social, economic and environmental impacts.

We rely on people power rather than corporate finance in all that we do. Our growing success is thanks to an amazing group of volunteers and supporters. Get involved with us today so that we can achieve so much more for Exeter. And meet likeminded people in the process and have lost of fun!

Our Green Councillors’ Priorities

Green Party councillors provide a strong voice for the community and stand up for the local environment. Where Green Party councillors are elected, people see hard working individuals who listen to, help, and support residents with their concerns. 

Many people have told us they feel overwhelmed by national and environmental concerns. Some feel in ‘survival mode’ because of the cost-of-living crisis. Greens understand that action to address the climate crisis can, and must, tackle the cost-of-living crisis and reduce inequality in our city. 

We believe that a wider range of voices on the Council leads to better decision making. Debate and constructive challenge are an important part of a healthy democracy, especially in these difficult times.”

Councillor Diana Moore

Our key priorities:

✅Build the right homes, in the right places and – at the right price – for everyone in Exeter.

✅Enable communities in Exeter to have a better say in helping shape a greener, fairer city.

✅Fight cuts to vital services and support for people in greatest need.

✅Protect and improve our green spaces and waterways – investing in parks, planting more trees and holding polluters of the River Exe to account.

✅Transform Exeter’s recycling rate from the lowest in Devon to one of the highest.

✅Plan a programme to keep people warmer and healthier by improving insulation and ventilation of homes while  building local skills, jobs, and investment to do this. .  

✅Design and Create a new ‘Ridgetop Park’ connecting Exwick, across the Mincinglake and Beacon Hills, to join up to the Clyst Valley, and down to the Valley Parks to protect precious landscape from development.

✅Establish a modern market in the city centre  –  a  space for small local businesses and with local affordable food.

✅ Press Exeter City Council and Devon County Council to work better together, especially on frequent, reliable and joined up public transport and safer streets for healthy walking, cycling and wheeling. 

✅Ensure a visible police presence in the city centre to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read our full 2024 Exeter Green Party manifesto: A fairer, greener Exeter – for all

Here is a snapshot of how Green councillors are holding the Labour-led Council to account and working to make Exeter a fairer, greener city:

  • We fought for affordable housing and challenged Labour’s plans for a Council owned private-rental property company. We continue to challenge their backing of co-living bedsits and are working hard to improve the Council’s housing repairs service.
  • We challenged Labour’s proposed developer levy rates – demanding more from developers of co-living to help fund vital city infrastructure like community centres, parks, cycle paths and bridges. And we secured an end to the subsidy to the developers of luxury student blocks who now have to pay their fair share of the developers’ levy. We continue to speak up for residents on unacceptable developments and help residents respond to planning policy.
  • We put forward alternative budget proposals. Our budget would have invested £6m in extending the doorstep food waste service, introduced a new glass collection service to all homes in Exeter, supported parks and open spaces, reversed allotment cuts, and improved customer services.
  • We won the backing of the City Council to call for action to clean up the River Exe. South West Water and the Environment Agency were called to the Council to be questioned about their actions. Green Councillors are now working with voluntary groups on a citizen science project to test the quality of the River Exe.
  • We planted 500 trees to create a new woodland by the Canal, with Devon Wildlife Trust, the community, and the Council; we’ve helped protect trees, secure tree protection orders, and worked to protect access to open spaces.
  • We campaigned for better bus services, directly lobbied bus company Stagecoach, and spoke up for residents to the Transport Commissioner. We encouraged residents to give constructive feedback to the active streets trail. We responded to proposals for walking and cycling improvements.

Green councillors are committed to working together and cooperating with other parties on areas of common ground, including building on the success of the Progressive Group of councillors.

To find out more about our elected councillors click here

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