Greens field environmental biologist in Pinhoe by-election

An environmental biologist is the Green Party candidate for the Pinhoe by-election on Thursday 13th August. John Moreman has spent several years investigating the adverse effects of man-made chemicals and believes the Green Party is the only Party which truly wants to reform politics locally andnationally, building a fairer, more equal, more environmentally conscientious society.Greens are promising that a Green councillor will bring a distinctive voice and fresh ideas to the City, on planning and housing; on the future development of the city; on tackling issues to do with transport and on waste management. The Green Party is resisting spending cuts to essential local services and campaigning toprotect public sector jobs. Unlike Labour, the Green Party is a genuine progressive anti-cuts Party and does not, and never has, supported any of the government’s proposed welfare and public spending cuts. We want to invest in future generations and protect the most vulnerable in society.See our election newsletter for Pinhoe for further details of your local candidate and for Green Party policies.

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