Public meeting with Molly Scott Cato, Green Party MEP for SW England.

Brexit: what on earth’s going on – and what does it mean for Exeter?

Public meeting with Molly Scott Cato, Green Party MEP for SW England.

Exeter Library Rougemont Room Thurs Feb 15th 7 to 8.30pm

All welcome: a chance to hear the views of a leading MEP, and to raise issues that concern you.  Apart from Brexit, Molly Scott Cato has been at the forefront of challenging corporate and individual tax ‘dodging’ across the EU, and she is a key advocate for sustainable agriculture and environmental protection – alongside many other issues.  And as a Professor of Green Economics she offers a thoughtful and alternative perspective on current events.

This event is free but if possible please reserve your place via the following website – thank you!

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