Greens achieve best ever result in Exeter

The Green Party is celebrating achieving its best ever result in a general election in Exeter, finishing just behind the Conservatives in third place.

The Green Party says the result in Exeter has confirmed that it is the main challenger to Labour in the city. Green Party parliamentary candidate Andrew Bell received just under 6000 votes, and increased the share of the vote to 14.7% from 8.6% in 2019.

Andrew Bell said:

“This is our best result ever in a general election in Exeter. I am delighted that so many people decided to vote for the Green’s positive offer on investment in our health, care and dental services and affordable housing, as well as cleaning up our rivers and addressing the climate and nature crises.

“This result is one of many excellent results across England last night, which saw us make history, electing a group of four Green MPs to parliament and coming second in 40 seats across the country. This will help push the new Labour government to be braver and bolder on the action needed to restore our public services and defend our environment. 

“We will now look to build on this result locally and nationally. Our hard working Green councillors will continue to hold the Labour-led Council to account as the official opposition, and they will be able to do so with a new spring in their step after tonight’s result, one which  confirms we are the main challenger to Labour in Exeter.    

“I would like to say a massive thank you to the many volunteers who relentlessly pounded the streets in the weeks in the run up to the general election. This fantastic result would not have been possible without you.” 

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