Greens call on Exeter Labour to come clean over axing green energy projects for RAMM and Riverside

Green councillor Diana Moore is calling for an investigation after the Labour-led Council snubbed a £6.5 million grant earmarked for replacing antiquated heating systems with cleaner, greener solutions and insulation at two of the Council’s biggest assets

Exeter City Council claims the planned projects at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) and the Riverside Leisure Centre are too challenging and cannot be achieved within the budget. However, this is being challenged by local Greens.

Cllr Diana Moore, leader of the Green group, said:

“It’s scandalous that the Labour-led council is throwing away a £6.5m grant which offered an opportunity to replace the old gas boilers with green energy solutions and insulation. Labour needs to come clean: this project would cut carbon emissions and reduce the running costs from two of the council’s biggest assets.  

“I have been shocked to hear from the contractor themselves who shared with me reports about how the project can be delivered on time, within budget and while managing the risks. The Labour Council seems to have dismissed these findings. It is very concerning that the Council and the contractor have come to very different conclusions.

“I’m calling for an investigation into the management of this project as the council seems, again, to have failed to properly deliver a vital capital project.”


The BBC covered this exclusive: Call for investigation into £7m council deal


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