St David’s

St David’s

Ward Description and highlights of Councillor work

St David’s Ward is located in the centre of the city. Stretching from St David’s train station, through the City Centre and along the River to County Hall on one side and the RIverside Leisure Centre on the other.


Diana Moore

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Tess Read

Elected 2022

I was proud to be elected for St David’s in 2022, I have already served at Exeter’s first Green Deputy Lord Mayor. I sit on the Customer Focus Scrutiny Committee, the Harbour Board and ECQT. I also work part time at the University of Exeter, write for Reconnect magazine, and run an Acappella group in Exeter called Tess & the d’Urbervilles. 

James Banyard

Elected 2024

I have represented St David’s ward since May 2024. I serve on the planning, licensing, and RAMM oversight committees. With a background in mental health, I prioritize wellbeing and sustainability in my decisions, always striving to create positive change, and keeping the climate crisis front and centre. I’m passionate about supporting Exeter’s arts and culture and collaborating across the political spectrum.



Summer 2024

Autumn 2024

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