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24th April 2018 by exetergreenparty
Green Party councillor, Chris Musgrave, will today propose a motion pledging Exeter City Council to become a ‘single-use plastic-free’ authority by the end of 2018 [1]. Labour, the ruling Party on the council, have already pledged their support [2]. The motion calls on Exeter City Council to end the purchase and provision of single-use plastics […]
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23rd April 2018 by exetergreenparty
Everyone in Exeter will have a Green candidate to vote for in the City Council elections to strengthen opposition to the ‘one-party state’ Labour council. The Greens’ first priority is a better run Exeter City Council and to ensure council tax is spent more wisely. That’s the promise that the local Green Party has made […]
19th April 2018 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has described plans by Stagecoach to scrap the £1 child add-on fare for buses in Exeter as a ‘total injustice’. The fare, which enables any child to travel with a fare paying adult for £1, was originally secured after Green Party negotiations with former Managing Director, Mike Watson. Stagecoach plan to withdraw […]
5th April 2018 by exetergreenparty
Independent analysis of air quality carried out by Exeter Green Party reveal that many parts of Exeter are experiencing illegal or close to illegal levels of air pollution. The Green Party commissioned nitrogen dioxide monitoring across Exeter during January at sites not currently measured by the City Council’s own tests. Most of the sites were […]
27th March 2018 by exetergreenparty
The Green Party in Exeter will welcome their co-leader, Jonathan Bartley, and South West MEP, Molly Scott Cato, to the city on Wednesday to discuss the city’s housing problems and look at solutions from other parts of the UK and Europe. Greens say that Exeter faces a severe shortage of truly affordable housing, with young […]
23rd March 2018 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party are calling on the Labour-run council to urgently put the brakes on their bus station redevelopment plans, saying it is now ‘imperative to reconsider the most appropriate and possible uses for this site’. In an open letter to City Council leader, Cllr Pete Edwards [1], Green Councillor Chris Musgrave and Diana Moore, […]
5th March 2018 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party have slammed Labour-run Exeter City Council for their decision not to introduce weekly food waste collections [1], as promised in the Exeter Labour 2016 manifesto [2], and despite acknowledging that it represents ‘the biggest single component of non-recycled waste’. The Council also admit that ‘progress towards the current 50% UK target will not […]
23rd February 2018 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party have called on councillors to throw out a planning application for a giant new retail park on the edge of Exeter. Greens say the mixed-use development of retail and restaurant units with new access roads and car parking off Honiton Road is entirely out of step with Council policies on curbing car […]
31st January 2018 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has challenged the Labour Council’s claims that Exeter, already the second fastest growing city in the country, must continue to grow. The assertion is based on a report ‘Outlook 2018’ [1] was produced by the Centre for Cities. Green Party Councillor, Cllr Chris Musgrave said: “There is much to be proud of about […]
21st January 2018 by exetergreenparty
Brexit: what on earth’s going on – and what does it mean for Exeter? Public meeting with Molly Scott Cato, Green Party MEP for SW England. Exeter Library Rougemont Room Thurs Feb 15th 7 to 8.30pm All welcome: a chance to hear the views of a leading MEP, and to raise issues that concern you. […]