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9th February 2016 by exetergreenparty
The Green Party in Exeter has welcomed Exeter City Council’s response to their proposals to set up a ‘Food Waste Roundtable’ to take action on reducing the city’s vast quantity of food waste. Food waste makes up 36% of ‘black bin’ waste in Exeter and ends up in the incinerator at Marsh Barton. The Green […]
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21st January 2016 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has slammed Exeter Labour councillors for pushing through a bad deal on the redevelopment of the Exeter bus station site. At a special meeting on 20th January councillors agreed outline planning permission which fails to secure any developer funds for a new bus and coach station. Greens had called on councillors to […]
18th January 2016 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party is urging councillors to reject outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the bus station site, saying the plans are a bad deal for Exeter. Councillors are due to decide whether to grant outline planning permission at an extraordinary council meeting on Wednesday. Greens are demanding that any deal must include a […]
17th December 2015 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party have demanded a better deal for the redevelopment of the bus station site and have said if this cannot be achieved the application should be rejected. The demand comes following revelations that the private developer of the site has pulled out of funding a new bus and coach station for the city. […]
14th December 2015 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has said the ‘groundbreaking’ Paris Agreement on tackling climate change means Exeter City Council will need to be far more ambitious on reducing carbon emissions and aim to become a zero carbon city by 2050. Almost 200 countries agreed on Saturday to pursue efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C and […]
10th December 2015 by exetergreenparty
As world leaders negotiate a climate deal in Paris, Exeter Green Party have called on Exeter City Council to raise their ambition and aim to become a zero carbon city by 2050. In a statement released in conjunction with the COP21 climate summit, Exeter Greens describe the pledge by the council to run entirely on […]
9th December 2015 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has submitted a further objection to the bus station redevelopment in Exeter’s city centre. The objection covers the lacks of affordable housing, a demand for a proper market square to celebrate the ‘Best of Devon’, the woeful inadequacy of the transport proposals and the bus station itself, the proposed leisure uses, raises […]
6th December 2015 by exetergreenparty
Following the vote last Wednesday, we now know that the hundreds of thousands in the South West who oppose military strikes in Syria have not a single MP from the region in Parliament representing their views. With Ben Bradshaw siding with the Tories; the Labour Party bitterly split on the issue and Lib Dems supportive […]
18th November 2015 by exetergreenparty
Exeter’s Young Greens are leading efforts to get young people in Exeter to register to vote or face being turned away at the polling station. The push comes following government changes to the registration system which means everyone living in a property must now sign up to the electoral register individually. Prior to last year, […]
28th September 2015 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party will this week launch a new climate campaign ahead of the Paris talks in December by showing the hugely well received film: ‘The Age of Stupid’. The film, to be screened at the Phoenix Art Centre in Exeter this Thursday [1], will be followed by a panel discussion which will include the […]