Grow a Greener, Fairer Exeter
28th February 2017 by exetergreenparty
The Green Party in Exeter have gained their first city councillor, following the defection from Labour by Alphington councillor, Chris Musgrave. Councillor Musgrave says he has been drawn to the Green Party because of their deep-seated commitment to openness and transparency in local government, something he says is ‘in short supply with the current Labour […]
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4th February 2017 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Greens will reiterate a ‘refugees are welcome’ message when GreenParty Deputy leader, Amelia Womack [1], visits Exeter this Friday. Ms Womackhas long championed refugee rights and last year visited refugees in the’jungle camp’ in Calais [2]. During her visit to Exeter she will visit Cityof Sanctuary [3] to hear about how the organisation helps […]
5th January 2017 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has responded to the Your Future Care consultation under taken by the Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group ( A new way of delivering health and social care is proposed, with more care being provided at home. While the approach could have positive benefits for patients, we expresses deep concerns […]
21st December 2016 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party has slammed Devon County Council councillors for approving a controversial new road scheme through the Blackdown Hills [1]. One of the key objectives cited by the County Council for supporting the scheme is to ‘encourage economic growth in the South West peninsula and particularly the large scale planned development of Exeter’ [2]. […]
13th December 2016 by exetergreenparty
Proposals by Exeter City Council to restructure decision-making in Devon are being challenged by Exeter Green Party. In a letter to Council Leader, Pete Edwards, Exeter Green Party raises its concerns about the ways Exeter City Council is developing initiatives to restructure the authority – all of which will give binding powers to new layers […]
12th December 2016 by exetergreenparty
Diana Moore wrote to Cllr Bialyk, challenging him to clarify his comments about community engagement on radio Devon. Here is the exchange: Dear Cllr Bialyk, Thank you for inviting me to write to you. Radio Devon invited me to comment on your interview with them, as they apparently had received a number of complaints. I […]
20th October 2016 by exetergreenparty
Exeter Green Party have successfully used the Freedom of Information Act to force Exeter City Council to publish key parts of the business case for the St Sidwell’s leisure complex. The Council’s persistent refusal to do so has been overturned following a challenge by Green Party member Peter Cleasby, who complained to the Information Commissioner, […]
3rd October 2016 by exetergreenparty
Green MP, and co-leader of the Green Party, Caroline Lucas, is visiting Exeter this Saturday to talk to the growing Young Green movement. The Young Greens are holding their annual convention in Exeter at the university. Caroline Lucas MP is a former under-graduate and PhD student of Exeter university, so will be returning to a […]
29th September 2016 by exetergreenparty
Like Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West, Exeter Green Party is deeply disappointed that the UK has chosen to leave the EU.Molly says the close result shows people are crying out for democratic reform, both in the UK and in Europe: “Very many people across the UK will feel a profound sense […]
6th July 2016 by exetergreenparty
We are delighted that a majority of people in Exeter voted to support our continued membership of the EU. This was a victory for hope over hate. The debate in the weeks leading up to the referendum and the Leave result has undoubtedly encouraged xenophobia and victimisation of minorities. As Greens, we say people from […]